


After a template has been entered into the system, the need may arise to update template information. This method allows you to change any settings and data associated with an existing template. The call only updates the test version of the template so it doesn't affect live messages being sent while testing modifications.


Field Description Field Type Required Example
template_id The template identification number associated with the template you wish to update. number Yes 1234
subject A string value containing the subject line of the message when sent to the transactional recipient string No Your BB Order Confirmation
from_description A string value that populates the "From:" value in the message header, along with the from email address. Email clients commonly display this value in the users' inbox. string No Buffalo Barn
from_email A string value that populates the "From:" value in the message header, along with the From Description string No
reply_email A string that populates the "Reply-To:" value in the message header. string No
template_data An array consisting of two elements: html and plain. Because of the nature of XML, the HTML and Plain Text message content should be wrapped in CDATA tags.
  • Html – The HTML content of the transactional message.
  • Plain – The Plain Text content of the transactional message.
string No see example below
message_notes Allows you to submit message notes that can be referenced later. string No Order confirmation email for our shoe store customers
bill_codes Allows you to submit a billing code that can be referenced later. string No welcome_email_shoes
track_links A Boolean value when set to 1 will track all links in the message. By default, links are tracked unless the track_links are part of the api call and the value of the elements are set to zero. boolean No 1
track_roi A Boolean value when set to 1 will add the ROI append to your links, allowing for ROI information to be tracked. By default, ROI is turned on and links are tracked unless the track_roi and track_links are part of the api call and the value of the elements are set to zero. boolean No 1
link_append This argument enables you to add query string parameters to tracked links in your transactional message. string No src=email_​campaign&​dept=123
set_status Deactivated messages will neither display on the account statistics nor be sent when sendTransaction calls are made. boolean No 1
binding This parameter is used to specify a specific IP address binding to be used for a transactional message template. Contact your Account Manager to find out which bindings are available for you to use. string No echo


Field Description Example
template_id The ID number identifying the template being modified; it is identical to the value passed in by the POST 1055589

Response Codes

responseCode responseText Description
202 Template ID [template_id] has been updated The test version of the template has been successfully updated.
425 XML Error: Please verify the XML request is valid. For special characters please ensure you are using blocks and url encoding data properly Typically caused when the HTML content of the message template is not contained within a CDATA tag.
426 Invalid Template Data Typically caused when the <template_date>, <html>, or the <plain> elements are missing from the POST payload.
427 No data passed to update Template ID <templateID> The POST payload did not include anything or the message template ID was missing from the URI.
428 Missing variable Required elements are missing from the POST payload. The <responseData> element will contain one or more <missing_vars> elements identifying the missing required variables.
429 Invalid Template ID The Template ID does not exist
444 Invalid binding value The IP Binding specified is not assigned to this account
446 No XML data passed XML elements were not included in the API method call
448 Invalid or Inactive Template ID The Template ID provided in the input parameter is either invalid or inactive.

Example Post






<![CDATA[ ... HTML content goes here ...]]>



<![CDATA[ ... Plain Text content goes here ...]]>



<subject>Thank you for ordering</subject>

<from_description>Buffalo Barn</from_description>






Example Response




<responseText>Template ID 1055589 has been updated.</responseText>






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