


This method returns detailed delivery and response data for a specific message that has been sent to a specific subscriber. The specific message can be referred to in one of two ways.

This method is used in conjunction with the subscribers.getSubscriber API method. The subscribers.getSubscriber method returns a listing of all messages sent to a specific subscriber within a given time period. The message reference IDs returned by that method are the input parameters used by this method.


Field Description Field Type Required Example
message_detail_id A unique ID, including a date for message send, that identifies the specific subscriber and the specific message that he was sent. (composed of mes_cont_id and sent_time from message_contacts, with "-" in between and sent time formated as YYYYMMDD) string Conditional
Required only if <mes_cont_id> is not provided
mes_cont_id A unique ID that identifies the specific subscriber and the specific message that he was sent. string Conditional
Required only if <message_detail_id> is not provided


Field Description Example
bounce This element acts as a wrapper for each group of bounce itEmpower returned in the method call
reason The bounce reason as any of the following:
  • 5-Invalid Recipient
  • 5-Mailbox Full
  • 5-Relaying Denied
  • 5-DNS Failure
  • 5-Undetermined
  • 5-Timeout
  • 5-Mail Block
  • Spam Block
5-Invalid Recipient
response The code and description for why the message bounced when sent to the recipient. (Provided by the server from which the message was bounced.) 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account
datetime Date the message bounced in YYYY-MM-DD HH:Min:SS format in US Pacific time zone 2014-04-02 08:24:32
opens This element acts as a wrapper for each group of <open> sub-elements returned in the method call
open This sub-element of the <opens> wrapper acts as a wrapper for each group of open data sets returned in the method call.
datetime Date the message was opened in YYYY-MM-DD HH:Min:SS format in US Pacific time zone
device This sub-element of the <open> wrapper acts as a wrapper for each group of email-reading device data sets returned in the method call
is_mobile A boolean value indicating whether the email was read on a mobile device where:
  • 0 – was not opened on a mobile device
  • 1 – was opened on a mobile device
clicks This element acts as a wrapper for ech group of <click> sub-elements returned in the method call
click This sub-element of the <clicks> wrapper acts as a wrapper for each group of click data sets returned in the method call
link_id ID number of the specific link in the email that was clicked 4266526
datetime Date the link was clicked in YYYY-MM-DD HH:Min:SS format in US Pacific time zone 2014-04-02 08:28:22
device This sub-element of the <click> wrapper acts as a wrapper for each group of email-reading device data sets returned in the method call
is_mobile A boolean value indicating whether the link in the email was clicked on a mobile device where:
  • 0 – was not clicked on a mobile device
  • 1 – was clicked on a mobile device
roi This element acts as a wrapper for each group of <transaction> sub-elements returned in the method call. Data
returned by these elements are provided by the roi.insert API method
transaction This sub-element of the <roi> wrapper acts as a wrapper for each group of roi transaction data sets returned in the method call
link_id ID number of the specific link in the email that was clicked that lead to the conversion 4266526
amount A numeric value containing the amount associated with the order in US dollars. 291.43
orderid String value of the order identification number A65487923
datetime Date the transaction was executed in YYYY-MM-DD HH:Min:SS format in US Pacific time zone 2014-04-02 08:35:56
conversions This element acts as a wrapper for each group of <transaction> sub-elements returned in the method call. Data
returned by these elements are provided by the conversion.track API method
transaction This sub-element of the <conversions> wrapper acts as a wrapper for each group of conversion transaction data sets returned in the method call
id String value for the transaction identification number B4546879
datetime Date the conversion transaction was executed in YYYY-MM-DD HH:Min:SS format in US Pacific time zone 2014-04-02 08:24:32
conversion_type String value for the user-defined conversion type membership_renewal
amount Number of conversion events (integer) 1

Response Codes

Response Code Response Text Description
210 Success A successful execution of the request for message details
428 A required variable is missing from the input No form of message ID was submitted
450 Action not taken, too many arguments submitted Only one form of message ID can be submitted
457 message_detail_id incorrectly formatted
458 message_detail_id not found The message_detail_id submitted does not exist in the database
459 mes_cont_id incorrectly formatted
460 mes_cont_id not found The mes_cont_id submitted does not exist in the database

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