


WARNING: This method cannot be combined with any other method call within the same POST command.

While this method will continue to be supported for existing implementation, all new integrations should use the account.updateStaticSegment method.

Use this method if you want to rename a static segment. The contacts that are members of this segment will remain the same and any messages that are targeted to this segment will remain the same as well.


Field Description Field Type Required Example
group_id The static segment ID number of the one you want to rename. To view a list of static segments and their corresponding ID numbers, log in to the application and navigate to Administration > Configure Settings > Account and Segment IDs. Scroll down on the screen to the Segments section to find the static segment name and its corresponding segment ID. Number Yes 123432
group_name The new name of the static segment. String Yes eTail East 2010 Opt-ins


Field Description Example
message Indicates whether the renaming was successful or not, where:
  • 1 – the static segment was successfully renamed.
  • 2 – the static segment was not successfully renamed due to the error reason specified.
reason Human-readable message that confirms the request to rename the static segment, or explains the reason for the failure. group was renamed successfully

Response Codes

Message Code Reason Description
2 unable to rename group There was an error in renaming the static segment (e.g. invalid characters, etc.)
2 no group found with given group_id The static segment ID provided in the POST message does not exist within the system.
2 not all values passed through A required element was not included in the POST message.

Example Post




<group_name>New Group Name</group_name>


Example Response











group was renamed successfully








Example Error











no group found with given group_id








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