Allows marketers the ability to retrieve information on relational tables that were created within their accounts when using the account.addRelationalTable method. Marketers can retrieve all table data or a subset of table data depending on the parameters entered.
Field | Description | Field Type | Required | Example |
table_id | The table_id that was returned when created using the account.addRelationalTable method. Passing this value will limit the information retrieved to the specific table with the table_id that was passed | Number | No | 132 |
table_name | The table_name value of a previously created table. Passing this value will limit the information retrieved to the specific table with the table_name that was passed | String | No | concert_info |
Field | Description | Example |
tables | A wrapper around the set of all tables that are in the response. Each individual table's properties (the remaining parameters) will fall within an <item> element inside the <tables> element. | View example below |
item | This element acts as a wrapper for each individual relational table returned in the method call.
NOTE: This <item> element should not be confused with the element of a similar name that is used as a wrapper to each individual column within a relational table. |
See example below |
table_id | The table_id that was returned when created using the account.addRelationalTable method. | 132 |
table_name | The programatic name of the table to be used when updating the table data. Limited to alphanumeric and underscore characters [A-Za-z0-9_] | concert_info |
display_name | The name users will see for the table when viewed within the application | Concert Info |
columns | This element acts as a wrapper of all individual columns within the relational table. | See example below |
item | This element contains a single <column> element. | |
column | This element identifies an individual column within the relational table. It acts as a wrapper for each individual column's metadata. | See example below |
column_name | The programatic name of the column that will be used for two purposes
concertDate |
display_name | The name users will see for the column when viewed within the application | Concert Date |
type | The Relational Table is limited to 20 columns. It will allow for any combination of the four following data types:
date |
format | Determines the display format when the date or number field is populated within an email
FMMonth ddth |
Response Codes
Error Condition | responseCode | responseText |
Successful operation. All tables and table data are returned | 621 | Displaying all table data |
Successful operation. The filtered set of tables are returned | 622 | Retrieved requested subset of table data |
The "table_id" passed does not exist in the system | 623 | Action not taken, invalid table_id |
The "table_name" value passed does not exist in the system | 624 | Action not taken, invalid table_name |
The account has no relational tables created | 625 | Action not taken, 0 relational tables |
Example Post
Example Response
<responseText><![CDATA[Displaying all table data]]></responseText>
<display_name><![CDATA[Contacts Data]]></display_name>
<display_name><![CDATA[date of birth]]></display_name>
<display_name><![CDATA[First Name]]></display_name>
<display_name><![CDATA[Last Name]]></display_name>
<display_name><![CDATA[Zip Code]]></display_name>
<display_name><![CDATA[Full Contacts Info]]></display_name>
<display_name><![CDATA[date 1]]></display_name>
<display_name><![CDATA[no 1]]></display_name>
<display_name><![CDATA[First Name]]></display_name>
Example Error
<responseText><![CDATA[Action not taken, invalid table_name]]></responseText>