


Allows marketers the ability to retrieve information on relational tables that were created within their accounts when using the account.addRelationalTable method. Marketers can retrieve all table data or a subset of table data depending on the parameters entered.


Field Description Field Type Required Example
table_id The table_id that was returned when created using the account.addRelationalTable method. Passing this value will limit the information retrieved to the specific table with the table_id that was passed Number No 132
table_name The table_name value of a previously created table. Passing this value will limit the information retrieved to the specific table with the table_name that was passed String No concert_info


Field Description Example
tables A wrapper around the set of all tables that are in the response. Each individual table's properties (the remaining parameters) will fall within an <item> element inside the <tables> element. View example below
item This element acts as a wrapper for each individual relational table returned in the method call.

NOTE: This <item> element should not be confused with the element of a similar name that is used as a wrapper to each individual column within a relational table.

See example below
table_id The table_id that was returned when created using the account.addRelationalTable method. 132
table_name The programatic name of the table to be used when updating the table data. Limited to alphanumeric and underscore characters [A-Za-z0-9_] concert_info
display_name The name users will see for the table when viewed within the application Concert Info
columns This element acts as a wrapper of all individual columns within the relational table. See example below
item This element contains a single <column> element.
column This element identifies an individual column within the relational table. It acts as a wrapper for each individual column's metadata. See example below
column_name The programatic name of the column that will be used for two purposes
  1. The column header for the CSV import file when updating table data
  2. The personalization tag/token used within the iterative portion of the personalization template.
    1. Limited to alphanumeric and underscore characters [A-Za-z0-9_]
display_name The name users will see for the column when viewed within the application Concert Date
type The Relational Table is limited to 20 columns. It will allow for any combination of the four following data types:
  1. string (maximum of 10 string columns)
  2. date (maximum of 4 date columns)
  3. number (maximum of 5 numeric columns)
  4. geo/zip (maximum of 1 geo/zip column)
format Determines the display format when the date or number field is populated within an email


  • FMMonth ddth, YYYY
  • FMMonth ddth


  • 1234567
  • 1,234,567
  • 1234567.89
  • 1,234,567.89
FMMonth ddth

Response Codes

Error Condition responseCode responseText
Successful operation. All tables and table data are returned 621 Displaying all table data
Successful operation. The filtered set of tables are returned 622 Retrieved requested subset of table data
The "table_id" passed does not exist in the system 623 Action not taken, invalid table_id
The "table_name" value passed does not exist in the system 624 Action not taken, invalid table_name
The account has no relational tables created 625 Action not taken, 0 relational tables

Example Post




Example Response





<responseText><![CDATA[Displaying all table data]]></responseText>






<display_name><![CDATA[Contacts Data]]></display_name>





<display_name><![CDATA[date of birth]]></display_name>
















<display_name><![CDATA[First Name]]></display_name>







<display_name><![CDATA[Last Name]]></display_name>







<display_name><![CDATA[Zip Code]]></display_name>









<display_name><![CDATA[Full Contacts Info]]></display_name>





<display_name><![CDATA[date 1]]></display_name>








<display_name><![CDATA[no 1]]></display_name>








<display_name><![CDATA[First Name]]></display_name>











Example Error





<responseText><![CDATA[Action not taken, invalid table_name]]></responseText>









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