


Allows marketers to alter a previously defined Relational Table column's format. This API is strictly for changing the format of a column. As a result, you may ONLY alter DATE or NUMBER columns. You cannot change/alter STRING or GEO/ZIP columns.


Field Description Field Type Required Example
table_name The table_name value of the table whose column you'd like to have altered String Yes concert_info
column_name The column_name value of the column within the table you'd like to have altered String Yes concert_date
format The new display format for the date or number column you're altering String No FMMonth ddth OR 1,234,567.89


Field Description Example
table_name The table_name of the table whose column was just altered concert_info
column_name The column_name of the column that was just altered concert_date
format The current/new format of the column that was just altered FMMonth ddth

Response Codes

Error Condition responseCode responseText
Missing variables 428 Required parameters are missing from the input.
Successful operation. The column was altered 641 This column has been altered
The column_name value passed does not exist in the table referenced by the table_name 642 Action not taken, invalid column_name
The format value passed isn't in the approved set of formats for the column's type 643 Action not taken, format is not valid
The table_name value passed does not exist in the system 644 Action not taken, invalid table_name

Example Post







Example Response





<responseText><![CDATA[Table altered successfully]]></responseText>









Example Error





<responseText><![CDATA[Action not taken, number format is not valid]]></responseText>



</item> </methodResponse>

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