Allows marketers to alter a previously defined Relational Table column's format. This API is strictly for changing the format of a column. As a result, you may ONLY alter DATE or NUMBER columns. You cannot change/alter STRING or GEO/ZIP columns.
Field | Description | Field Type | Required | Example |
table_name | The table_name value of the table whose column you'd like to have altered | String | Yes | concert_info |
column_name | The column_name value of the column within the table you'd like to have altered | String | Yes | concert_date |
format | The new display format for the date or number column you're altering | String | No | FMMonth ddth OR 1,234,567.89 |
Field | Description | Example |
table_name | The table_name of the table whose column was just altered | concert_info |
column_name | The column_name of the column that was just altered | concert_date |
format | The current/new format of the column that was just altered | FMMonth ddth |
Response Codes
Error Condition | responseCode | responseText |
Missing variables | 428 | Required parameters are missing from the input. |
Successful operation. The column was altered | 641 | This column has been altered |
The column_name value passed does not exist in the table referenced by the table_name | 642 | Action not taken, invalid column_name |
The format value passed isn't in the approved set of formats for the column's type | 643 | Action not taken, format is not valid |
The table_name value passed does not exist in the system | 644 | Action not taken, invalid table_name |
Example Post
Example Response
<responseText><![CDATA[Table altered successfully]]></responseText>
Example Error
<responseText><![CDATA[Action not taken, number format is not valid]]></responseText>
</item> </methodResponse>